Grow Your Early Stage
BioMedical Business

Miranda is an Expert in Residence at the London Institute for Healthcare engineering at King’s College, London and Business Mentor for entrepreneurship programmes in the University of Cambridge. She is a member of the Department of Zoology Alumni and Fundraising Committee of the University of Cambridge.
She brings experience as a Technology Transfer Manager at Cambridge Enterprise, University of Cambridge, where she assessed and marketed life science technologies, negotiated licences, and spun-out companies. She was responsible for technology transfer at the University of Cambridge for the Cambridge-MIT Institute. In her five years at the seed capital firm, Cambridge Research and Innovation, she identified and invested in early stage technologies. Miranda worked with Dr Hermann Hauser KBE FRS on the founding of Cambridge Network.
Miranda holds an MA (Cantab) in Natural Sciences, is a Fellow of the Linnean Society and holds the Chartered Institute of Management Accounting’s Diploma in Management Accounting. She has edited eight books and contributes to industry publications.